
Will my fruits & vegetables arrive in good condition?

All Fruit and Veg will be adequately packaged to ensure it is protected through shipping.

I can not find a particular item or brand?

We are proud of our brands and stock availability. However some items can sell out or become unavailable. Please contact our Customer Service Team on [email protected], who can see when the product will become available and notifies you immediately.

I want to add more items to an order that I have placed?

If the order has been placed for Click and Collect, please email us at [email protected] with the order number and the items you would like to add to the order.

I can not view some products correctly when using a phone?

Although mobile friendly, it is recommended that the store is accessed using a desktop or tablet. This is the best way to shop on juqwaa e-Store.

Why is entire Fruits & Vegetables range not available online?

At present, only fruit and vegetables which can be delivered without compromising quality has been selected to avoid disappointment. 

Why do not have any frozen products for sale?

At current, we have not found suitable packaging for frozen items which is eco-friendly and ensures that product stay frozen for entire transport process. We hope to add frozen products in the future.

Why are your prices different when compared to your supermarkets?

Juqwaa and partner superstores have prided itself with always offering competitive pricing in both the on location and online. When determining the pricing for online products, the picking, checking, packing, packaging, and shipping process are  factored into the cost of the product.
